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Hilda Whitegoat

Hilda Whitegoat is a full blooded Native American Indian. She was born in 1967 into the Navajo Nation. Hilda was inspired to continue a long lived tradition of working with art by observing her sister, Susie Charlie, work on her pottery. Susie who is credited with pioneering the popular Navajo Etched Pottery, shared the techniques of constructing the popular art form known today as “Navajo Etched Pottery” with Hilda. Hilda began crafting pottery at the age of 23, in 1989. The lucrative aspect of the business is also inspiration in her decision to become an artist,being that she has a family to raise and it keeps her close to her children.

Hilda paints on ceramic pottery and uses a sharp blade to hand etch on the pottery. Then, she fires her pottery in a kiln. She paints and etches on all sizes of ceramic and horsehair ware available to her. She signs her pottery as: Hilda Whitegoat, Navajo. Hilda is related to the following artists: Everson Whitegoat (brother), Myron Charlie (nephew), and Michael Charlie (nephew).