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Kathy Yazzie

Kathy Yazzie was born and raised in Gallup, New Mexico on the Navajo reservation. Kathy learned to make silver jewelry from her parents, both skilled artisans, too young to practice with silver she was turned loose to practice on tin, mostly old tin cans. She soon began to develop her own artistic designs and styles.

Kathy’s family ties have heavily influenced her artistic development. Her family stressed the importance of productivity, while insisting on high quality.

Kathy worked in Gallup at a number of trading posts before moving to Albuquerque, New Mexico to work with a silver jewelry manufacturer designing and making her traditional styles.

Traditional styles are her favorite type of jewelry to make. She usually starts with the turquoise stone and designs the article of jewelry around it. Therefore, jewelry of simple designs are chosen to show the turquoise to its best advantage.

Occasionally she creates a number of one-of-a-kind pieces, but prefers to do the more traditional styles.

The charm of Kathy’s traditional style continues to enthrall jewelry buyers all over the world.

Kathy enjoys camping, lake and stream fishing for trout, taking care of her families’ cattle and sheep on the reservation, and just about any outdoor activity.